CBD and Autism

A recently published observational study on effects of CBD-Enriched cannabis extract on Autism Spectrum Disorders, highlights the need for double-blind placebo-controlled studies to evaluate the effectiveness of CBD on Autism.

Many autism symptoms are related to neuronal hyperexcitability, and CBD may reduce multiple autistic symptoms, with relatively lower side effects.
The standardized extract in this study contained a proportion of ~75/1 CBD/THC and was administered orally in capsules containing 25 or 50 mg of CBD and ~0.34 or 0.68 mg of THC.

A titration process was used to gradually increase the dosage based on patient condition and response to therapy. the average initial dose of CBD was ~2.90 mg/kg/day and 4.55 mg/kg/day after titration.

17% out of the cohort suspended the treatment due to adverse effects which may be related to concomitant therapy changes or potential drug interactions.

The following symptom categories were tracked:
1. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD);
2. Behavioral Disorders (BD);
3. Motor Deficits (MD);
4. Autonomy Deficits (AD);
5. Communication and Social Interaction Deficits (CSID);
6. Cognitive Deficits (CD);
7. Sleep Disorders (SD);
8. Seizures (SZ).

At least 60% of patients presented improvements of 20% or more in ADHD, MD, CSID, BD, SD, and SZ.


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