7 GO-TO STRATEGIES TO TAME STRESS, an eLearning course by Concipio
Stress Management e_learning

Stress Management eLearning

Studies show that people who take responsibility for their situation and believe that they’re in control of their destiny feel less stressed, less depressed, and more empowered. 

As you manage life's daily stressors, stick to healthy coping techniques for long-term relief. 

  1. Journaling: Process events, sort through your feelings, and release negative thoughts by journaling.

    Your entries don’t need to be perfect. Just find a dedicated space and try free writing your emotions, creating lists, drafting letters, and writing down the things you’re grateful for.

  2. Cognitive reframing: Change how you think about and react to stressful situations by identifying, evaluating, and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. 

    Listen to your self-talk, identify negative and irrational thought patterns, evaluate the evidence supporting and refuting those thoughts, and replace negative and irrational thoughts with more realistic and balanced alternatives.

  3. Internal Locus of Control: Attributing life’s outcomes to circumstances within your control can increase your happiness, resilience, and success.

    Take an active role in creating the life you envision by reminding yourself that you can change your situation. Next, practice identifying internal cause and effect to determine your actions' role in your life’s events. Finally, use the ABCs—your attitudes, behaviors, or choices—to take control of your life.

  4. Deep Relaxation Techniques: Counteract your body’s flight-or-fight response with deep relaxation techniques like breathing exercises, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, tai chi, and qigong, spending time in nature, and mindfulness meditation.
  5. Meditating: To get started meditating, find a quiet setting, get in a comfortable sitting position, and close your eyes. You can then follow along with a guided meditation or choose an object of focus to meditate on independently. 

    When meditating, you can try repeating mantras or practicing deep breathing, scanning your body, feeling loving-kindness for yourself and others, and mindfulness.

  6. Exercising: Get active by practicing aerobic exercises like walking, biking, swimming, dancing, or kayaking. You can also try strength exercises like weightlifting or climbing. Flexibility exercises like yoga, Pilates, and stretching are other great options. You might even join a team sport like soccer, basketball, or football—or participate in social exercises like joining an aerobics class, walking group, or playing Frisbee with a friend.
  7. Sensory-Based Strategies: 

    When you need immediate stress relief, start with grounding by relaxing, breathing, and finally, activating your five senses—each one for a minute. For example:

    • Taste a tart lemon, peppermint, or dark chocolate. Study the textures and flavors.

    • Touch the fabric of your pants or the grain of your desk.

    • Smell the subtle scents in your space.

    • Look at the color variations, shapes, and textures around you.

    • Listen to ambient sounds, like cars driving by or the air conditioner.

To learn more, visit our business eLearning courses at Concipio

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