Concinto introduces business E-learning courses
business elearning categories

Concinto business e-learning

Accelerate your team’s skills development with an online learning platform built to maximize learner engagement and long-term learning outcomes.

Online learning lowers a business’s bottom line and increases revenue.

  • 42% of companies claim eLearning has increased their revenue, according to KZO Innovations. 1
  • It is estimated that every dollar that is invested in eLearning results in $30 of increased productivity. 2
  • Employees are estimated to generate 26 percent more revenue in organizations that offer technology-based training such as e-Learning. 3

There is a demand for online continuing education.

  • Employees understand that workplace training adds to their worth as employees and increases their job satisfaction. 4

Contact us to receive more information about our corporate plans and customized E-Learning solutions based on your need.

  1. KZO Innovations. 14 must-know e-Learning stats.
  2. Digital Chalk Blog. Top 10 eLearning statistics for 2013.
  3. Arth, Barb. The business impact of next-generation eLearning.
  4. The Insider. The value and importance of online learning.

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